My awesome Physmed template presentation with a multiline title

Author name

Supervisors or other stuff

Physics for Medicine Paris, ESPCI Paris, PSL University, Inserm U1273, CNRS UMR 8063

This is a slide without a title. It has white background and a logo in the top right.

Maybe you want to contrast an awesome ULM image with black background? The logo in the top right is now white.

Maybe like this? Renaudin et al. (2022)


Some example slides - also look at example RevealJS slides in the Quarto docs

  • Non-executable and executable code-blocks
  • bullet points with highlighting
  • two-column slides
  • how to include a slide from a separate MD file
  • preview and link to a webpage

Just a code block, nothing gets executed…

… but there is some fancy highlighting

from pathlib import Path

home_path = Path.home()
if home_path.exists():
  data_path = home_path / "data"
  # raise some error maybe?



And some cool fragment animations that contour some words for emphasys.

Thank you